Breaking News: 150,000 Loan Through BISP Farmer Card Registration 2024


The Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) has introduced a significant initiative aimed at supporting farmers in Pakistan. This initiative offers a loan of up to 150,000 PKR through the BISP Farmer Card, designed to assist small farmers in enhancing their agricultural productivity and financial stability. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to register for the BISP Farmer Card, the benefits of the program, and a detailed FAQ section to address common questions.

How to Register for the BISP Farmer Card

Registration for the BISP Farmer Card is a straightforward process designed to be accessible to all eligible farmers. Here is a step-by-step guide:

  1. Eligibility Check: Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria. Generally, eligible farmers must own or lease agricultural land and be part of the low-income bracket.
  2. Gather Required Documents: Prepare necessary documents, including your CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card), proof of land ownership or lease, and income verification.
  3. Visit the Nearest BISP Office: Go to the nearest BISP office or designated registration center.
  4. Fill Out the Registration Form: Complete the registration form provided by BISP officers.
  5. Submit Documents: Submit the required documents along with the filled registration form.
  6. Verification Process: Wait for the verification process to be completed by BISP authorities.
  7. Receive Your Farmer Card: Upon successful verification, you will be issued a BISP Farmer Card.

Quick Reference Table

Step Action Details
1 Eligibility Check Ensure you meet the program criteria.
2 Gather Required Documents Prepare CNIC, land proof, and income verification.
3 Visit the Nearest BISP Office Go to a BISP office or registration center.
4 Fill Out the Registration Form Complete the form provided by BISP.
5 Submit Documents Submit the necessary documents.
6 Verification Process Wait for BISP to verify your information.
7 Receive Your Farmer Card Get your BISP Farmer Card after verification.

Benefits of the BISP Farmer Card

The BISP Farmer Card offers several benefits to farmers, which include:

  • Access to Loans: Farmers can avail loans up to 150,000 PKR to invest in their agricultural activities.
  • Subsidies and Support: Cardholders may receive subsidies on seeds, fertilizers, and other agricultural inputs.
  • Financial Inclusion: The program promotes financial inclusion by providing access to formal banking services.
  • Insurance Coverage: Some BISP Farmer Cards may include agricultural insurance to protect against crop failure or natural disasters.
  • Training and Resources: Farmers may have access to training programs and resources to enhance their farming techniques and productivity.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the BISP Farmer Card?

The BISP Farmer Card is a financial tool provided by the Benazir Income Support Program to assist small farmers in Pakistan. It offers access to loans, subsidies, and other agricultural benefits to enhance farmers’ productivity and financial stability.

2. Who is eligible for the BISP Farmer Card?

Eligibility criteria for the BISP Farmer Card typically include:

  • Ownership or lease of agricultural land.
  • Belonging to a low-income bracket.
  • Possessing a valid CNIC.

3. How can I apply for the BISP Farmer Card?

To apply for the BISP Farmer Card:

  • Check if you meet the eligibility criteria.
  • Gather necessary documents (CNIC, proof of land ownership/lease, income verification).
  • Visit the nearest BISP office or registration center.
  • Fill out and submit the registration form along with the required documents.
  • Wait for the verification process to complete.
  • Receive your BISP Farmer Card upon successful verification.\

4. How much loan can I get through the BISP Farmer Card?

Farmers can avail loans of up to 150,000 PKR through the BISP Farmer Card, which can be used for various agricultural needs such as purchasing seeds, fertilizers, and equipment.

5. Are there any fees associated with the BISP Farmer Card?

The BISP Farmer Card itself is typically issued without any fees. However, there might be nominal charges associated with the processing of loans or specific services.

6. What documents are required for BISP Farmer Card registration?

Required documents generally include:

  • Valid CNIC.
  • Proof of land ownership or lease agreement.
  • Income verification documents.

7. How long does the verification process take?

The verification process duration can vary but typically takes a few weeks. BISP authorities will review the submitted documents and verify the information before issuing the card.

8. Can I use the loan for non-agricultural purposes?

No, the loan provided through the BISP Farmer Card is intended strictly for agricultural purposes. It must be used to enhance farming activities, such as buying seeds, fertilizers, and other necessary inputs.

9. What happens if I default on the loan?

In case of a loan default, BISP has specific recovery procedures. It’s important to use the loan as intended and ensure timely repayments to avoid any penalties or legal actions.

10. Can women farmers apply for the BISP Farmer Card?

Yes, women farmers are encouraged to apply for the BISP Farmer Card. The program supports both male and female farmers to promote inclusive agricultural development.

11. What other benefits does the BISP Farmer Card provide?

Apart from loans, the BISP Farmer Card may offer additional benefits such as:

  • Subsidies on agricultural inputs.
  • Access to training and development programs.
  • Agricultural insurance coverage.
  • Financial literacy programs to help farmers manage their finances better.


The BISP Farmer Card is a valuable initiative aimed at empowering farmers across Pakistan. By providing easy access to loans and other agricultural benefits, it helps farmers invest in their land, improve productivity, and secure their financial future. The registration process is straightforward, and with the comprehensive support offered by BISP, farmers can significantly enhance their agricultural activities. For any additional queries or assistance, farmers can visit the nearest BISP office or contact the program’s helpline.

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