Announced By Government Benazir Kafalat Program Survey Deadline 

Benazir Kafalat Program Survey Deadline 

The Benazir Kafalat Program, initiated by the Government of Pakistan in 2008, aims to provide financial assistance to impoverished women, particularly widows with no means of income. Over time, the program has evolved and now disburses Rs. 10,000 quarterly to deserving women across the nation, benefiting over 90 lakh individuals.

Evolution of the Benazir Kafalat Program

Initially focused on widows without income, the Benazir Kafalat Program has undergone significant changes. The current iteration of the program provides financial aid to a broader demographic, ensuring that poor and deserving women from across the country receive support.

Benazir Kafalat Survey June 2024

As the program progresses, it is crucial to reassess the eligibility of its beneficiaries. Some recipients, after receiving assistance for two to three years, have seen improved financial conditions. To ensure aid reaches those truly in need, the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) has mandated a reevaluation process.

Deadline Declaration: Completing the Survey

BISP has set a deadline for recipients to complete a survey to confirm their eligibility. Women enrolled in the Kafalat program must finish this survey registration process before June 30, 2024. Those who have received an SMS notification from 8171 regarding the survey should prioritize its completion to avoid disqualification from future assistance.

Procedure for Survey Completion

The process to complete the survey is straightforward. Recipients can visit their nearest BISP office and follow the same steps as the initial registration process. Adherence to this procedure ensures continued support through the program.

Required Documentation

To complete the survey, recipients must provide several documents, including:

  • National Identity Card (CNIC)
  • B-Form (if applicable)
  • Family member details
  • Proof of land ownership
  • Previous registration information
  • Proof of residence (utility bills)
  • Bank account details
  • Mobile number

Instructions for Uncertain Beneficiaries

Recipients uncertain of their survey status should visit the nearest BISP office. They can confirm their eligibility by providing their CNIC number to the agent. If further survey completion is necessary, they will receive appropriate guidance.

Kafalat Program Survey
Kafalat Program Survey


Q: What is the Benazir Kafalat Program?

A: The Benazir Kafalat Program is a government initiative providing financial assistance to impoverished women, particularly widows, across Pakistan.

Q: How much financial aid is provided through the program?

A: The program currently disburses Rs. 10,000 quarterly to eligible women.

Q: What is the purpose of the June 2024 survey?

A: The survey aims to reassess the eligibility of current beneficiaries to ensure aid reaches those truly in need.

Q: What documents are required to complete the survey?

A: Required documents include CNIC, B-Form (if applicable), family member details, proof of land ownership, previous registration information, proof of residence, bank account details, and mobile number.

Q: What happens if I do not complete the survey by the deadline?

A: Failure to complete the survey by June 30, 2024, may result in disqualification from future assistance through the Benazir Kafalat Program.

Q: Where can I complete the survey?

A: Recipients can complete the survey at their nearest BISP office.

Q: How can I check my survey status?

A: Visit the nearest BISP office and provide your CNIC number to confirm your eligibility and survey status.


It is crucial for recipients to understand that neglecting the survey completion could lead to disqualification from the program, despite any assumptions to the contrary. Prompt action is advised to ensure continued financial assistance through the Benazir Kafalat Program.

Quick Details

Aspect Details
Program Inception 2008
Current Aid Amount Rs. 10,000 quarterly
Beneficiaries Over 90 lakh individuals
Survey Deadline June 30, 2024
Required Documents CNIC, B-Form, family details, proof of land ownership, previous registration info, proof of residence, bank account details, mobile number
Survey Locations Nearest BISP office

Ensuring that you complete the survey on time will help you continue receiving the much-needed financial support from the Benazir Kafalat Program.

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