Latest Updates for Sindh Government has Introduced the Solar Scheme 2024

Introduced the Solar Scheme

Introduced the Solar Scheme In an ambitious move to combat energy  deaths and promote sustainable energy sources, the Sindh Government has introduced the Solar Scheme 2024. This action aims to give solar power results to  homes, particularly in pastoral areas, to  insure continued power force and reduce reliance on the public grid. There’s a comprehensive … Read more

Exciting News: Punjab Free Solar Scheme 2024: Check Eligibility Criteria and Payment Options 2024

Punjab Free Solar Scheme The Punjab Free Solar Scheme 2024 is a transformative initiative aimed at providing free solar systems to eligible households. This program is designed to reduce electricity costs, promote renewable energy, and enhance the quality of life for residents. In this article, we will explore the eligibility criteria, required documents, payment options, … Read more

Breaking News CM Punjab Solar Scheme for Farmers and Tubewells Pakistan 2024

Punjab Solar Scheme for Farmers

Punjab Solar Scheme for Farmers In a bid to revise husbandry and promote sustainable energy practices, the Chief Minister of Punjab initiated the” CM Punjab Solar Scheme for Farmers and Tubewells.” This ambitious scheme aims to give solar panels to growers across the state, enabling them to harness clean energy to power their tubewells. By … Read more