1.7 Million New Beneficiaries Eligible for BISP Kafaalat Payment

1.7 Million New Beneficiaries Eligible for BISP Kafaalat Payment

The Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) has announced an expansion in its Kafaalat Payment scheme, now including 1.7 million new beneficiaries. This initiative aims to provide financial assistance to the most vulnerable segments of society, ensuring they receive the support they need. Here’s what you need to know about this significant development: BISP Kafaalat Payment

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Key Points for Adding 1.7 Million New BISP Beneficiaries

1.7 Million New Beneficiaries

The Benazir Kafaalat payment scheme has been extended to include an additional 1.7 million beneficiaries.

Payment AmountEach new beneficiary will receive a monthly payment of PKR 10,500.

Payment Method

Payments will be distributed through campsite centers and the 8171 portal.

Regular Benefits

Only regular beneficiaries will receive the monthly payment of PKR 10,500.

Education Funds

Women who previously received Benazir Taleemi funds will not receive them this time around.

Verification Process

The verification process for 340,000 women with scores less than 32 has been completed.

Payment Release

Payments have been released to the respective banks for verified beneficiaries.

Account Verification

Women who verified their accounts at BISP offices and had a score of less than 32 will receive their payments. BISP Kafaalat Payment

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List of Benazir Kafaalat Payment Centers

The government has released lists of various centers where beneficiaries can collect their payments, including:

  • Tehsil Bakhar
  • Darya Khan
  • Kallar Kahar
  • Mankira
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Frequently Asked Questions

How many new beneficiaries are eligible for BISP Kafaalat payment?

1.7 million new beneficiaries are now eligible for the BISP Kafaalat payment.

What is the amount of the BISP monthly payment?

Each beneficiary will receive PKR 10,500 per month.

Will women who previously received Benazir Taleemi funds still receive them?

No, women who previously received Benazir Taleemi funds will not receive them this time.

How many women have completed the BISP verification process?

The verification process for 340,000 women with scores less than 32 has been completed.

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The expansion of the BISP Kafaalat payment scheme to include 1.7 million new beneficiaries is a significant step towards providing essential financial support to those in need. By efficiently distributing payments via campside centers and the 8171 portal, the government is making strides to uplift vulnerable segments of society, ensuring they can meet their basic needs. BISP Kafaalat Payment

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