Latest Update How to Resolve BISP Payment 915 Finger Not Match Error 2024 (Step-by-Step Guide)

BISP Payment

The Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) stands as a beacon of hope for impoverished individuals across Pakistan. With its mission to alleviate poverty by providing financial assistance, BISP Payment has become a vital lifeline for many families struggling to make ends meet.

Purpose of BISP

At its core, BISP aims to bridge the gap between economic disparity and financial stability. By offering monetary support to those most in need, it not only addresses immediate financial concerns but also empowers individuals to build a better future for themselves and their families.

Steps to Obtain Financial Support

Joining the BISP program and accessing its benefits is a straightforward process. Individuals who qualify for assistance can follow a few simple steps outlined on the BISP website. By providing necessary information and meeting eligibility criteria, applicants can secure the financial aid they require without having to leave their homes.

How to Solve 915 Code Error

One common obstacle encountered by applicants is the 915 code error. This error may arise due to various reasons, such as outdated information or incomplete documentation. To resolve this issue, individuals can refer to the detailed guide provided on the BISP website, or seek assistance from their local NADRA office.

Importance of Updated Information

Maintaining accurate and up-to-date information is crucial for a smooth BISP enrollment process. Individuals must ensure that their personal details, including contact information and financial status, are current to avoid any delays or discrepancies in receiving assistance.

BISP Payment
BISP Payment

Assistance for Widows

BISP extends special support to widows, recognizing the unique challenges they face in providing for their families. Eligible widows can avail themselves of financial aid after verifying their status through the submission of relevant documents, such as their husband’s death certificate.


In conclusion, the BISP Payment, 915 Finger initiative represents a significant milestone in the ongoing efforts to support the most vulnerable members of society. By providing accessible financial assistance and guidance, BISP empowers individuals to overcome economic hardships and build a brighter future. For those in need, BISP stands as a beacon of hope and support.


How can I resolve the 915 code error and receive funding from BISP?

For solutions to the 915 code error and to apply for a grant, please visit our website and follow the provided instructions. If you encounter difficulties securing support at home, kindly contact your local NADRA office for assistance.

What causes my fingerprint not to match?

Fingerprints may fail to match due to outdated information. Ensure your contact details are up to date to prevent delays in receiving financial assistance from the Benazir Income Support Program.

Can widowed women receive payments from BISP?

Yes, the Benazir Income Support Program provides financial assistance to eligible widows. To enroll, widows need to provide necessary documentation, including their husband’s death certificate, and meet the program’s criteria.

How long does it take to receive financial aid from BISP?

The processing time for BISP applications may vary depending on various factors. However, eligible individuals can expect to receive financial assistance after completing the verification process and meeting all requirements.

Is there any support available for children under BISP?

Yes, BISP offers assistance for children from impoverished families. Parents or guardians can apply for support on behalf of their children and must fulfill the program’s eligibility criteria

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