New Payment Check 8171 Web Portal Latest Method Update

New Payment Check 8171 Web Portal Latest Method Update

The Government of Pakistan has introduced a new method to check payments through the 8171 web portal. Ineligible individuals can utilize this portal to verify their eligibility after updating their information. The BISP program has been initiated by Pakistan specifically for the impoverished sections of society.

This program serves as a beacon of hope for the needy and provides relief to those facing difficulties. Eligibility is promptly communicated after complete verification through the web portal. To check eligibility, individuals need to remember their NADRA-issued ID card number. Here’s the procedure for determining eligibility:

  1. Open the 8171 web portal and review the provided information thoroughly.
  2. Enter your ID card number and the code displayed in the picture.
  3. Click on the green “Know” button after providing the required information.
  4. Your information will be forwarded to the BISP office, and you’ll receive an SMS notification regarding your eligibility status for the program.

Due to poverty and inflation, it has been deemed necessary to provide aid. Therefore, assistance can be expected upon meeting the eligibility criteria to become a beneficiary.

Verification of Eligibility of Disqualified Persons:

Assistance should be extended to the poorest of the poor who meet the eligibility criteria, including:

  • Individuals with very low monthly incomes facing financial difficulties
  • Widows
  • Elderly individuals
  • Orphaned children
  • Those encountering extreme hardships
  • Unemployed individuals
  • People exhausted by poverty
  • Individuals unable to procure food due to resource constraints
  • The most destitute

Earn Money After Registration:

For those facing problems receiving money despite registration, visit the nearest BISP center with your bank account or ATM card upon receiving money-related messages. By inserting your ATM card into the ATM machine, you can instantly access the funds.

Ineligible Persons Should Register Now:

Utilize the New Payment Check 8171 Web Portal to complete registration and check your balance. There’s no need to visit a BISP center to check the payment of Rs. 10,500. Simply visit your nearest center with your documents and complete registration. Answer the representative’s information-related questions correctly to successfully complete registration. After registration, you’ll be informed about payment via SMS and can receive the payment of Rs. 10,500 upon receiving the payment message. Ignore any fake messages and await the message from helpline 8171.


1. What is the purpose of the 8171 web portal introduced by the Government of Pakistan?

The 8171 web portal allows individuals to check their eligibility and verify their information for the BISP program.

2. Who can utilize the 8171 web portal?

Ineligible individuals can use the portal to update their information and verify their eligibility for the BISP program.

3. How does the BISP program benefit the impoverished sections of society?

The BISP program serves as a source of hope and relief for those facing financial difficulties by providing assistance to the needy.

4. How can individuals check their eligibility through the 8171 web portal? To check eligibility, individuals need to enter their NADRA-issued ID card number and review the provided information on the portal.

5. What happens after entering the required information on the 8171 web portal?

After entering the information, individuals need to click on the green “Know” button, and their eligibility status will be communicated via SMS.

6. Who should be eligible for assistance under the BISP program? Assistance should be extended to individuals with very low monthly incomes, widows, elderly individuals, orphaned children, unemployed individuals, and others facing extreme hardships.

7. How can individuals receive assistance if they face problems with registration or payment?

Individuals facing issues with registration or payment can visit the nearest BISP center with their bank account or ATM card to access funds instantly.

8. How can ineligible persons register for the BISP program?

Ineligible individuals can register through the New Payment Check 8171 Web Portal without visiting a BISP center. They need to answer the representative’s questions correctly to complete registration successfully.

9. What is the process for receiving payment after registration?

After successful registration, individuals will be informed about payment via SMS and can receive the payment of Rs. 10,500 upon receiving the payment message.

10. How should individuals respond to fake messages regarding payment? Individuals should ignore any fake messages and wait for the message from helpline 8171 to receive their payment.

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