Potential of Punjab Roshan Gharana Scheme: A Comprehensive Guide to Easy Registration

Punjab Roshan Gharana Schem A Comprehensive Guide to Easy Registration

 Punjab Roshan Gharana Scheme

The Punjab Roshan Gharana Scheme emerges as a beacon of sustainable energy adoption, spearheaded by the Punjab Government. It aims to empower residents of Punjab by facilitating the adoption of solar energy through a user-friendly registration process. This groundbreaking initiative promises to revolutionize the energy landscape, offering a three-kilowatt solar system complete with batteries and inverters. The scheme’s allure lies in its affordability, with the government subsidizing a significant portion of the cost, making solar energy accessible to a wider demographic.

How to Apply Online: Step-By-Step Guide

 Navigate to the Official Portal

Begin your journey towards sustainable energy by visiting the official portal of the Bank of Punjab (BOP) from the convenience of your mobile device or laptop. The user-friendly interface ensures a seamless application process.

Access the Application Form

Locate the dedicated Roshan Gharana Scheme application form on the website. This form serves as your gateway to solar empowerment, capturing essential details required for registration.

 Complete the Form

Fill in the requisite fields with accurate information, including your name, address, mobile number, CNIC number, email address, and home address. Additionally, ensure to attach a passport-size photograph for identification purposes.

 Document Submission

Prepare the necessary documents, including your CNIC issued in Punjab, land ownership documents (or landlord’s permission if renting), and a recent electricity bill showcasing usage within the specified range of 100 to 300 units.

 Submission and Payment

With the form and documents meticulously filled and compiled, submit your application online. Upon completion, download the challan form and proceed to your nearest Bank of Punjab branch to fulfill the payment requirements.

Confirmation and Processing

Upon successful payment confirmation, your application undergoes processing, marking a pivotal step towards harnessing solar energy.

Ensuring Eligibility

Before embarking on the registration journey, it is imperative to ascertain your eligibility for the Punjab Roshan Gharana Scheme. Adherence to the following criteria ensures a seamless registration process:

  • Residency: You must be a resident of Punjab to qualify for the scheme.
  • CNIC Issuance: Your CNIC should be issued from Punjab, validating your regional affiliation.
  • Electricity Consumption: Eligibility extends to individuals utilizing up to 300 units of electricity per month, underscoring the scheme’s focus on energy conservation.
  • Prior Application: Applicants should not have previously availed themselves of the benefits under this scheme, ensuring equitable distribution of resources.

Essential Documentation: Facilitating Registration

Navigating the registration process necessitates the provision of essential documentation, streamlining verification procedures and expediting approval. Ensure the following documents are readily available during the registration process:

  • CNIC: A valid CNIC issued in Punjab serves as a primary form of identification.
  • Ownership Documents: Furnish land ownership documents or obtain landlord’s permission if residing in a rented property.
  • Electricity Bill: Present a recent electricity bill reflecting consumption within the stipulated range of 100 to 300 units.
  • Photograph: A passport-size photograph is indispensable for identity verification purposes.

Unveiling the Benefits: Empowering Punjab Residents

The Pnjuab Solar Roshan Gharana Scheme bestows a myriad of benefits upon eligible residents, propelling them towards a sustainable energy future. Key advantages include:

  • Exclusive Access: Limited to Punjab residents, the scheme fosters local empowerment and community engagement.
  • Comprehensive Solution: A three-kilowatt solar panel system, complete with batteries and inverters, equips beneficiaries with a holistic energy solution.
  • Affordable Financing: With the government subsidizing 75% of the total cost, applicants enjoy an affordable payment structure, easing financial burdens.
  • Energy Conservation: Targeting individuals consuming 100 to 300 units of electricity per month, the scheme promotes energy conservation and efficiency, aligning with broader sustainability goals.


In conclusion, the Punjab Roshan Gharana Scheme emerges as a transformative initiative, heralding a new era of sustainable energy adoption in Punjab. By following the outlined steps and meeting the eligibility criteria, residents can seamlessly register for this groundbreaking scheme, paving the way for a brighter, more sustainable future. For further information and updates, visit the official BISP 8171 Ehsaas Program website.

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