Latest Updates Ehsaas Kafalat Scheme Eligibility Criteria, Application Process 2024

Ehsaas Kafalat Scheme Eligibility Criteria

The Ehsaas Kafalat Scheme is a social  welfare program initiated by the government of Pakistan to give fiscal  backing to meritorious individuals and families. In 2024, the scheme continues to be a lamp of stopgap for those in need, offering support to vulnerable parts of society. This blog post aims to give a detailed overview of the ehsaas Kafalat scheme eligibility criteria, the application process, and constantly asked questions. Read: Registration Phase of the Ehsaas Ration

Ehsaas Kafalat Scheme Eligibility Criteria 2024 

To qualify for the Ehsaas Kafalat Scheme in 2024, aspirants must meet certain criteria set forth by the government. Eligibility is primarily grounded on income  position, ménage size, and socio- profitable status. There’s a breakdown of the crucial eligibility criteria . 

Ehsaas Kafalat Scheme Eligibility Criteria
Ehsaas Kafalat Scheme Eligibility Criteria

Income Level   

  • Aspirants must belong to low- income homes, earning below a certain threshold determined by the government.  
  • The income position varies depending on factors similar to family size and geographical position.  Read: Ehsaas Program SMS Services

Household Size   

  • The size of the aspirant’s ménage is taken into consideration when determining eligibility.  
  • Larger homes may qualify for advanced situations of fiscal backing under the scheme.  

Socio- Economic Status   

  • Aspirants from marginalized communities, including widows, orphans, and persons with disabilities, are given precedence for  backing.  
  • Socio- profitable factors similar as lack of access to introductory amenities and education may also be considered.  Read: BISP Nashonuma Scheme Nurturing

Ehsaas Kafalat Scheme Registration Process

The Ehsaas Kafalat Scheme 2024, part of Pakistan’s broader Ehsaas initiative, continues to provide essential financial assistance to economically disadvantaged families. Here are the latest updates and steps for the registration process:

Key Updates and Registration Process

  1. Eligibility and Verification:
    • The program primarily targets women aged 18 and above with a household income below PKR 30,000 per month. Exclusions apply to government employees, taxpayers, and business owners​.
    • The government uses NADRA records and BISP surveys to identify eligible beneficiaries, minimizing the need for a separate application process. Individuals can check their eligibility by sending their CNIC number via SMS to 8171​.
  2. Registration Methods:
    • Online Registration: Visit the official Ehsaas portal at and follow the instructions to register by providing your CNIC and mobile number​ ​.
    • Offline Registration: You can also register at any Ehsaas Kafalat registration center by presenting your CNIC and mobile phone details​ ​.
  3. Support and Facilities:
    • Ehsaas One-Stop Shops: These centers provide comprehensive information and support for all Ehsaas programs, ensuring easy access for uneducated or resource-limited families​.
    • Ehsaas Mobile App: Available on the Google Play Store, the app provides detailed information and facilitates various Ehsaas program services.
  4. Payment Updates:
    • As of February 2024, the program has reinstated ATM access for withdrawing funds, simplifying the process for beneficiaries. The latest installment increased to PKR 9,000, reflecting the government’s commitment to enhancing support​ ​.

For more detailed information and the latest updates, regularly check the official Ehsaas website and stay tuned to authorized announcements.

Ehsaas Kafalat Scheme Application Process  

The Application process for the Ehsaas Kafalat Scheme is designed to be accessible and stoner-friendly. Then there is the way to apply for backing.   

Ehsaas Kafalat Online Application 

  • Aspirants can visit the sanctioned Ehsaas website or use the designated mobile operation to submit their operations online.  
  • The online gate provides instructions on filling out the operation form and uploading  needed documents.  

Assistance Centers   

  • For those who are unfit to apply online, backing centers are set up in colorful locales across the country.  
  • Trained staff members are available at these centers to help aspirants in completing their operations and vindicating documents.  Read: Offline Ehsaas Undergraduate Scholarship


  • Aspirants are needed to give supporting documents,  similar as evidence of income, ménage size, and identification.  
  • These documents help  corroborate the eligibility of the  aspirants and  ensure that  backing is  handed to those who  authentically need it.  

Eligible and Ineligible Criteria for the Ehsaas Kafalat Scheme in 2024:

Eligibility Criteria Eligible Ineligible
Income Level Below Poverty Line (as per government criteria) Above Poverty Line
Household Size Small to Large (varies based on family size) No Household or Single Individuals
Socio-Economic Status Widows, Orphans, Persons with Disabilities, Marginalized Communities High-income Individuals, Government Employees

Final Thought  

The Ehsaas Kafalat Scheme plays a pivotal part in furnishing fiscal backing to vulnerable parts of society in Pakistan. By targeting low- income homes, widows, orphans, and persons with disabilities, the scheme aims to  palliate poverty and promote social inclusivity. Still,  icing  translucency and  effectiveness in the distribution of  backing remains a challenge. It’s imperative for the government to streamline the  operation process, ameliorate access to information, and strengthen monitoring mechanisms to  ensure that aid reaches those who need it the most.   Read: Roshan Gharana Scheme Online


Q Who’s eligible to apply for the Ehsaas Kafalat Scheme?  

  • Low- income homes, widows, orphans, and persons with disabilities are eligible to apply for the scheme.   

Q How can I apply for the Ehsaas Kafalat Scheme?  

  • You can apply online through the  sanctioned Ehsaas website or visit backing centers set up across the country for  backing with the operation process.   

Q What documents do I need to submit with my operation?   

  • You’ll need to give evidence of income,  ménage size, and identification documents along with your operation.   

Q How long does it take to admit  backing formerly I’ve applied for?  


The Ehsaas Kafalat Scheme serves as a lifeline for numerous individuals and families facing fiscal difficulty in Pakistan. By continuing to expand outreach, ameliorate effectiveness, and enhance  translucency, the government can make a meaningful impact in the lives of those in need. As the scheme evolves, it’s essential to address challenges and make upon successes to produce a further inclusive and indifferent society for all.    

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