Good News Ehsaas Rashan Scheme 2024 | How to Check Ehsas Rashan Program Register

Ehsaas Rashan Scheme 

For numerous families in Pakistan, putting food on the table can be a diurnal struggle. Feting this challenge, the Ehsaas Rashan Scheme strives to palliate fiscal burdens and enhance food security. As we navigate 2024, understanding the scheme’s latest updates is pivotal for those seeking its benefits. 

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This blog post dives deep into the Ehsaas Rashan Scheme in 2024, exploring its current immolations, recent developments, and how to determine your eligibility.   

Current Ehsaas Rashan Programs 

The Ehsaas Rashan Scheme presently operates through two primary programs:   

Ehsaas Rashan Riayat Program 

This Punjab-specific action provides a 30% reduction on essential food  particulars like flour, sugar, beats, the fiefdom. Also, eligible families admit a yearly paycheck of PKR 2,000 to further support their purchasing power.   

Ehsaas Rashan Scheme
Ehsaas Rashan Scheme

Ehsaas Amdan Rashan Program 

This civil program primarily targets listed heirs of other Ehsaas enterprises. They admit a subsidy of PKR 1,200 every four months, repairable at designated mileage Stores for flour, sugar, and beats.

Read: Ehsaas 8171 Program Online 

Table: Quick Information 

Program Name Target Audience Offerings Location Eligibility Criteria Registration Method
Ehsaas Rashan Riayat Program Residents of 36 districts in Punjab * 30% discount on essential food items (flour, sugar, pulses, cooking oil) at designated Utility Stores 36 participating districts in Punjab * Family income below NSER poverty line * Not already benefiting from similar Ehsaas programs * SMS CNIC to 8123 * Online portal (if eligible)
Ehsaas Amdan Rashan Program Registered beneficiaries of specific Ehsaas programs (e.g., Ehsaas Kafalat, Ehsaas Taalimi Wazifa) * Subsidy of PKR 1,200 every 4 months, redeemable for flour, sugar, and pulses at designated Utility Stores Nationwide

Ehsaas Rashan Program Recent Developments   

Several crucial updates marked the Ehsaas Rashan Program in 2024:   

  • Expansion of the Ehsaas Rashan Riayat Program:The program originally launched in 14 airman sections but has now expanded to 36 sections across Punjab.  
  • Web Portal Registration: For the Ehsaas Rashan Riayat Program, a web gate is now available for enrollment , offering a volition to SMS messaging.  
  • Translucency and Communication: The government has emphasized sweats to enhance translucency and communication regarding program eligibility and enrollment  procedures.  
  • Implicit Increase in Subventions:Some reports suggest plans to increase the  subvention quantum under the Ehsaas Amdan Rashan Program in the future.  

Ehassa Rashan Scheme Eligibility Criteria   

Determining your eligibility for either program requires understanding specific criteria:

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Ehsaas Rashan Riayat Program:

  • Must be an occupant of one of the 36  sharing sections in Punjab.  
  • Family income must fall below the poverty line defined by the National Socio- Economic Registry( NSER).  
  • Not already a device of other Ehsaas programs offering analogous benefits.  

Ehsaas Amdan Rashan Program   

Must be a registered devisee of specific Ehsaas programs, similar as Ehsaas Kafalat or Ehsaas Talimi Wazifa.  Meet the income and poverty criteria defined by the  separate program.  

Table: Quick Information 

Program Name Target Audience Eligibility Criteria Registration Method
Ehsaas Rashan Riayat Program Residents of 36 districts in Punjab Family income below NSER poverty line, not already benefiting from similar Ehsaas programs SMS CNIC to 8123, then online portal if eligible
Ehsaas Amdan Rashan Program Registered beneficiaries of specific Ehsaas programs Meets income and poverty criteria of respective program Contact local Ehsaas program office

How to Check Ehsas Rashan Program Register   

Ehsaas Rashan Riayat Program   

  • SMS your CNIC number to 8123. 
  • Admit a response attesting eligibility or requesting further information. 
  • Still, do register online through the designated web gate, If eligible.  

Ehsaas Amdan Rashan Program   

  • Communicates with your original Ehsaas program office for backing.  
  • They will corroborate your devisee status and eligibility.  
  • Still, you’ll give information on entering the subvention at designated stores, If eligible.  

Ehsaas Rashan Program Challenges   

Despite its estimable sweats, the Ehsaas Rashan Scheme still faces challenges, including:  

  • Limited reach: Not all sections across Pakistan have access to the program.  
  • Specialized difficulties: Online enrollment platforms can witness glitches. Eligibility  misgivings Confusion persists regarding specific eligibility criteria.
  Read: 8171 Ehsaas Kafalat Program 

Final Thought   

The Ehsaas Rashan Scheme represents a significant step towards icing food security and easing poverty. By staying informed about the latest updates, eligibility criteria, and enrollment processes, individuals and families can maximize their chances of  serving from this program. uninterrupted advancements in translucency, availability, and communication are  pivotal for the scheme’s long- term success.   


Is there a deadline to register for the Ehsaas Rashan Riayat Program? 

There’s presently no blazoned deadline for enrollment .  

Can I register for both Ehsaas Rashan Riayat and Ehsaas Amdan Rashan programs? 

Only register for the program you’re eligible for grounded on your  position and devisee status.

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What happens if I lose my Ehsaas Rashan Riayat card? 

Communicate with the program office for  backing in  carrying a relief card.  

Who can I communicate with for further information or backing? 

You can reach the Ehsaas Rashan Scheme helpline at 8171 or visit their  sanctioned website(( invalid URL removed))(( invalid URL removed)) for program details and contact information.

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