Latest Update Ehsaas Undergraduate Scholarship Program 2024 Online Apply

Undergraduate Scholarship 

We will talk about Ehsaas Undergraduate Scholarship Program or Benazir Undergraduate Scholarship Project, when is its last date, which are the students who can apply for it and which students What is the help to apply for it, which university is being offered, which documents will be required from you, how can you apply online, what is the amount of scholarship, Well, first of all, you should understand that this sir Ehsaas and Benazir Undergraduate Scholarship Project is the same, the last government which was Pakistan government has changed, so its name has been changed and this is the policy of the land, such students. The project was started to support those who cannot continue their education after post-intermediate fafac and equivalent education due to lack of financial resources and this is done on both the basis of married company and then sir you see

BSK First Semester

Undergraduate Scholarship. What are the eligibility criteria? Students who seek admission on merit have the right to apply for it in public sector universities during BSK first semester. You have to understand this carefully that if you have merit in BSK first semester. In government universities only you are eligible for admission, here married means that you fulfill the criteria for taking admission in the university, it means that you are married. Cannot plan for students from

Private Universities 

The first thing is that if any student is already taking any other scholarship then he cannot apply for it and such students who are studying in distance learning programs or affiliated colleges also cannot apply for digital learning programs like Allama Iqbal Open. Universities offer such programs in which you prepare at home and even those from affiliated colleges cannot apply. Along with that, the students of private universities are also not eligible and the students who take admission in evening programs.

Degree Program

Undergraduate Scholarship. Those on self-supporting basis or self-financed basis also cannot apply and students who are studying in degree programs for two years, whether it is your ADP or BJP or any such program, after two years of FSC, they also cannot apply. There is no help in applying after doing a degree program for 2 years, that is, only the first semester students can apply, after that it is asked that how can you apply, the procedure to apply for this is as follows. When you go to the website and apply, it will be shown on the screen.

Documents Required

By creating a separate video on the URL of the website and the process to apply online, I will give the step by step link of the video in the description of this video so that you will know how you can apply after that. Sir, what are the supporting documents required for you to apply? When you apply, first you have to create your account, then they will take all your background, family history, information about your parents and ask about their salary.

Undergraduate Scholarship 
Undergraduate Scholarship

NIC Form

They will ask you all the details about your siblings, then you will have to upload the following documents along with them, which will include a copy of your NIC form along with a copy of your father, mother or garden’s NSC and the salary slip of your father, mother or garden. Income Certificate: Now the question comes, such students, whose parents are former, earn less on daily wages or are working in a factory where they cannot get the salary slip, then what will they do, that ₹ 50 harshnama banvaenge affidavit and its Sir will give a guarantee for our parents

Get The Utilities

We do not have enough income to support our education and we are eligible for this scholarship. On the basis of the sorry affidavit, they will give a guarantee of this thing in place of salary. After that, you will get the utilities of your house like electricity, guest telephone, water etc. Also, if you are living in your house, you have to put your own bills along with it and if you are living on rent, then you will need a rent agreement for your house. After that, you will need your sisters and brothers. If they are getting education, then the rates are given by the universities, schools and colleges. They are studying in their fee lipps you will need and medical expenses

University’s Financial

If you have read the documents related to it, then you can apply that also and at the end you also need your passport size photograph and a photograph of the front of your house, you will be attaching them, so after that comes what is the scholarship award process i.e. scholarship. How will this entire process work and how will the scholarship be given? First of all, you have to apply online before the last date so that the portal does not get closed. Once you have applied online, you will take a print out of it along with all the necessary documents. He will attach and his university’s financial

Financial Aid 

You will go to the year office and get it submitted. Now the Financial Aid official will shortlist the candidates of your department andWe will conduct their interview. After conducting the interview, a list of the students who will be eligible for this, if they are married, will be posted in your department or will be uploaded on the website of your university and you will be made to sign a video. Now you should see that all this process has to be done within your university only, you have to apply online on the portal of Haq, the rest of the process is all that.

Financial Support 

It is okay to be in the university only and after that, sir, if you see how much financial support you will get from this program, then you are getting two types of support here, one is annual type end which is ₹ 40000 which is given to all the students. The second thing is that if your fee says, then whatever fee you submit, friend, 80% of the tuition fee of Masters or 1st year will be refunded to you. Now if the fee of any university is ₹ 20000, then 80% of it will be refunded to you. Now you have to pay it plus the fees of any university which starts at Rs 40 thousand.

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If it is ₹ 1 lakh per year then they will give you 80% free refund out of it and plus they will give you 40 thousand, okay you get these two things from it and this scholarship which is normally given in the last of December or If it gets late then it will be in January and the whole Scotch thing is going to be announced now so I hope this video would be helpful for you guys and as soon as its official advertisement comes the scholarship will be announced about it

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